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Alex Adsett and MeTALK TO MY AGENT!

I’ve always wanted to say that, and now I can!

I’m very pleased to announce that I have been signed by Literary Agent, Alex Adsett! I’ve known Alex for a few years now and I’m super chuffed to be able to call her my agent.

So what does this mean exactly? It means that I’ll have more time to focus on writing, while Alex, among other things, will handle the publisher side – pitching my new work and finding it a home. I look forward to working with Alex. Hopefully there will be some exciting times ahead!

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Amanda Bridgeman

Amanda is an award-winning writer of both original and tie-in fiction. Her works include the near future crime thriller, THE SUBJUGATE, which is being developed for TV; Scribe Award winning procedural thriller, PANDEMIC: PATIENT ZERO; and Marvel X-Men novel, SOUND OF LIGHT, which has been embraced by Dazzler fans around the world.

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