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If you’re planning to head down to Swancon at the Pan Pacific Hotel this weekend and would like to come and say ‘Hi’, I’ll be on the following panels:


Do I need a Website?

When: Friday, 12:00 – 13:00

Where: North Ballroom (Large Panel Room)

Who: Amanda Bridgeman, Satima Flavell, Alecia Hancock, Jon Hayward, Rebecca Laffar-Smith

“What should go on your website, and why you need one, for artists, writers, and other content creators.”


Being an Author in Perth

When: Friday, 16:00 – 17:00

Where: North Ballroom (Large Panel Room)

Who: Amanda Bridgeman, Stephen Dedman, Shona Husk, Dave Luckett

“When you’re an author in Perth, trying to reach the outside world is a major challenge, with decidedly mixed results, and lots of frustrations. We each have had greatly differing experiences, but have all faced the same challenges, with differing results.”


Not Writing in a Bubble

When: Saturday, 12:00 – 13:00

Where: South Ballroom (Large Panel Room)

Who: PRK , Claire Boston, Amanda Bridgeman, Jane Espenson (Guest of Honour)

“How interacting with fans, and the great flow of information of the modern age shapes your works.”

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Amanda Bridgeman

Amanda is an award-winning writer of both original and tie-in fiction. Her works include the near future crime thriller, THE SUBJUGATE, which is being developed for TV; Scribe Award winning procedural thriller, PANDEMIC: PATIENT ZERO; and Marvel X-Men novel, SOUND OF LIGHT, which has been embraced by Dazzler fans around the world.