As of January 15th, 2019, I have written and published 9 books. That’s a pretty amazing feat. I started writing over 10 years ago and have been published for 5 years.
Aurora: Darwin was the first ever novel I wrote and it was also the first novel I had published. I very much feel as though my writing has ‘grown up in the public eye’. With each novel I strive to be a better writer, and I believe I am achieving that. With each novel my writing gets sharper, clearer, and provides more emotional impact. At least I hope it does.
Initially Aurora: Darwin was in ebook form only, but sales were good, so the publisher then released a POD version (Print on Demand – meaning it was available in paperback, but readers had to purchase it online, not in physical stores). Five Aurora books later (in ebook and POD), the publisher unfortunately closed its doors.
At first I was devastated, especially because I was part way through the Aurora series (it is near on impossible to find a publisher who will pick up a series half way through). However, I soon realised that when one door closes, another opens. I got the rights back and re-published the Aurora titles myself, and have since released another two in the series, plus a new stand alone novel, The Time of the Stripes, all using the same creative team I worked with at the publisher. I kept the same standard of publishing quality, and my wonderful readers have followed me every step of the way.
Five years after my first novel was released, I signed my brand new novel, The Subjugate, with another traditional publisher, Angry Robot Books, and scored my first ever print distribution deal (meaning, they put the novel in physical bookstores, not just online.) This was a pretty awesome achievement.
Over the last five years I’ve hit the top of the charts with several of my books, have received emails from readers around the world (I’ve even received postcards and Christmas gifts!), and I’ve achieved some other milestones that I can’t yet talk about. Regardless, each step in my writing journey has been special, and I’ve appreciated each little milestone I have passed. Which is why seeing photos of my new book in physical stores overseas, and then finally being able to walk into bookstores here in Australia this week and see my book on the shelf has been wonderful indeed.
Sometimes we get so caught up in our work that we forget to stop and smell the roses, to celebrate each little (or huge) milestone. So that’s what I’m doing today – celebrating the fact that my book is in physical bookstores around the world, and yes, even here in my hometown.
Here’s to (hopefully) many more years of writing, and many more milestones to come…