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I was very pleased to write a guest post for SF Signal recently, which stirred some really interesting discussion:

In August I attended LonCon3 and appeared on two panels. One of which was ‘The World at WorldCon: Australian and NZ SFF’, where inevitably the question was raised: ‘Does Australian SF exist?’ I expected everyone to say an overwhelming ‘Yes!’, but the panel was actually divided on the answer.

Two of the four panellists, both male and Australian – one a writer, one a reviewer – quickly answered the question with a firm ‘No. It’s all Americanized.’ I felt a little offended, sitting on an Australian SFF Panel as an Australian SF writer, to be told that I’m not writing Australian Sci-fi. But it got me thinking about my Aurora series, and what ‘Australian Sci-fi’ really means… [to keep reading this post, click here].


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Amanda Bridgeman

Amanda is an award-winning writer of both original and tie-in fiction. Her works include the near future crime thriller, THE SUBJUGATE, which is being developed for TV; Scribe Award winning procedural thriller, PANDEMIC: PATIENT ZERO; and Marvel X-Men novel, SOUND OF LIGHT, which has been embraced by Dazzler fans around the world.